A1 In-depth study of pilots and final selection of Scrubs species.
B1 Compensation to farmers for the limitation of grazing in selected areas.
C1 PROTECTION of existing key scrub spots on pilot farms
- C1.1 Design and implementation of enclosures for existing key areas of scrub. Different systems will be applied depending on the characteristics and size of the scrub area.
- C1.2 Protection of the natural regeneration of Quercus. Including planting of accessory scrub to protect natural regeneration and maintenance of local scrub species.
- C1.3 Livestock management for scrub protection. Including measures for adequate grazing (compensation measures for not grazing during certain times of the year in certain areas).
C2 REGENERATION of Quercus trees, scrubs areas and soil
- C2.1 Enhancement of Quercus regeneration by planting locally sourced encapsulated acorns in selected areas.
- C2.2 Improvement of Quercus regeneration by planting seedlings (developed in a nursery) with acorns from the pilot farms and with mycorrhizal roots in areas with worse edaphic conditions.
- C2.3 Review and replacement of seedlings for two years after planting. Improvement of individuals of thickets/shrubs (affected by livestock), and cleaning (pruning) for the productive increase of food available for birds and invertebrates.
- C2.4 Improvement of the regeneration of existing thickets.
- C2.5 Improvement of compacted and impoverished soils through the contribution of organic matter and natural fertilizers and the planting of legumes together with thickets/shrubs.
- C2.6 For areas affected by Phytophthora cinnamomi, supply soil inoculate from nearby well-preserved areas to enhance biodiversity and regeneration of soil microorganisms.
C3 CREATION of new scrub spots in degraded areas and IMPROVEMENT of existing ones with species that provide environmental health and socioeconomic value
- C3.1 Nursery production of various shrub species (environmental, productivity and resistance factors).
- C3.2 Planting of shrub species of ecological and economic interest. Creation of scrub islands. Planting of shrub hedges along paths. creation of beetle banks as plot boundaries. Shrub planting along contour lines for water retention and erosion prevention. Planting of specific species of scrub of interest for pollinators and invertebrates along gabions (installed in C1). Planting of species in pond areas or in rows along water channels as shelter and protection for different animal species.
- C3.3 Create resistant bush barriers around the perimeter of affected areas (P. cinnamomi).
- C3.4 Monitoring and improvement of planted individuals and soil conditions (including replanting).
C4 MEASURES for the direct improvement of associated threatened species in scrub/shrub areas
- C4.1 Installation of shelters for insects.
- C4.2 Placing nest boxes and improving slopes for associated bird species.
- C4.3 Construction of shelters for rabbits.
- C4.4 Installation of dry stone fences and gabions for invertebrates and small vertebrates and rockery structures with aromatic plants for pollinators and butterflies.
- C4.5 Plant strips of pastures between patches of scrub, or surround a single spot to attract more biodiversity. These areas benefit the insects.
- C4.6 Maintenance of fallow land as refuge and breeding areas to promote the presence of invertebrate and bird species of interest.
- C4.7 Improvement of habitats related to water. Cleaning and improvement of 4 existing ponds in 4 pilot farms. Installation of temporary fencing and planting of associated vegetation on the protected edges of the ponds. Planting of scrub species on both sides of the canals to create corridors. Ceramic Vessels Submerged in Water with Juncus and Scirpus. Installation of floating structures with species of interest. Installation of stones in ponds for amphibians and reptiles.
- C4.8 New amphibian pond improvements in areas prone to temporary seasonal flooding in water-related habitats (3170*).
D1 Environmental impact of the project actions on species, soil health and habitat diseases.
D2 Socioeconomic impact of project actions on policies, the productivity of the system and its sustainability.
D3 Monitoring of KPIs.
D4 Replicability/transferability and policies improvement.
D5 Monitoring of ecosystem conditions and services.
E1 General dissemination and awareness raising activities.
E2 Technical dissemination activities and Networking.
F1 Project Management and coordination.
F2 Monitoring of project activities and progress indicators, quality control and contingency planning.
F3 After-Life Plan.