As part of the preparatory actions of the LIFE Scrubsnet project, project partners have visited during the last weeks the different pilot farms included in the project, with the aim of evaluating potential interventions for the development of the planned actions. Project partners visited different habitats degraded by erosion, drought, fires, overexploitation, etc., which could be improved in terms of biodiversity, soil health, animal welfare or the promotion of endangered species.
During the visits, representatives of the Junta de Extremadura, Extremadura Verde, Ecohábitat, the University of Extremadura, the University of Évora, SEO Birdlife, IRNAS and Innogestiona Ambiental, analysed the potential of the different intervention areas, as well as the bush species and their possible associated environmental and socio economic effects, with the aim of protecting, regenerating and creating bush patches, capable of contributing to the regeneration of the system, the improvement of biodiversity and productivity.
Participants in the study visits have brought a multidisciplinary approach, thanks to their experience in fields such as forest management, scientific research and dissemination, socio-economic and environmental impact analysis, animal health or public management. From these different perspectives, the LIFE Scrubsnet project seeks the conservation of endangered species associated with scrubland areas in the dehesa/montado, as well as the improvement of the regeneration of Quercus (Q. suber, Q. ilex, Q. rotundifolia, Q. coccifera and Q. faginea), considering tree ageing and health as the main problems of these habitats.
These preparatory actios try to foresee possible improvements in soil health, which finds in the scrub patches a natural ally against pests and diseases. These aspects have been discussed in depth by the Scrubsnet team of professionals who have visited the pilot farms, in order to design an action plan to demonstrate positive impacts of project’s actions on biodiversity, soil and socio-economic factors, which in turn will inspiren effective improvements for policies and programmes for the sustainable conservation of the dehesas/montados in RN2000, and which will be real references for the future replicability and effective transfer of the project’s results.
These study visits bring the LIFE Scrubsnet project a step forward in its objective towards the regeneration and improvement of the dehesas/montados through the appropriate management of scrubland patches, which will involve different actions for the development
and management of action plans, compensatory measures, conservation, monitoring and dissemination of results.
The LIFE Scrubsnet project is co-financed by the European Union through the LIFE LIFE20 NAT/ES/000978 programme. Natura 2000 – Europe’s nature for you. This site is part of the European Natura 2000 Network. It has been selected because it includes some of Europe’s most threatened species and habitats. The 27 EU countries work together through the Natura 2000 network to safeguard Europe’s rich and diverse natural heritage for the benefit of all.