Last 17 and 18 of April, the partners from the LIFE ScrubsNet project met in Tempio Paussania (Sardinia) with the aim of increasing our understanding of the agrosilvopastoral systems associated to the habitat 6310 in that region and to compare the differences among the three participating countries (Spain, Portugal and Italy), through a combination of on-field visits and room sessions. Partners visited some representative private farms of the habitat 6310 in Sardinia (mainly extensive livestock production in cork oak forests) where they had the opportunity to interview farmers of the region. Partners had also the opportunity to know more about the relevant research that is being conducted on cork oak forestry farms owned by the host (AGRIS) to promote the transfer of results from the academy to both public and private sectors. Through a series of room sessions, the partners could analyse and compare the habitat 6310 in terms of exploitation/management practices, productivity, biodiversity, etc. with a focus on the shrub layer. Moreover, a session was dedicated to analyse current policies affecting the habitat at regional/national and European scales, and current pressures were identified through a participatory approach.