Field work progresses at the Valcorchero pilot farm
For some months now, field work has been underway on the Valcorchero pilot farm of the Life Scrubsnet project. This work began with the construction …
For some months now, field work has been underway on the Valcorchero pilot farm of the Life Scrubsnet project. This work began with the construction …
Within the framework of the Life Scrubsnet project, information and awareness days are being held for livestock farmers and farmers with assigned plots in the …
90 Seconds of Science is a project that aims to give voice to Portuguese researchers. It was created by the Institute of Chemical and Biological …
The main objective of the LIFE Scrubsnet project is the revitalisation of the Montados through the sustainable management of their scrub areas. To achieve this, …
The LIFE Scrubsnet Project “Regeneration and improvement of dehesas through the appropriate management of scrubland/shrub areas” explores the potential of scrub management as a way …
10 projects supported by the European Union’s LIFE programme come together to produce this manifesto Ten European projects working on the development and promotion of …
IV Congreso Ibérico Dehesa Montado in IFEBA (Badajoz) Grupo Ecohabitat Ibérico and Innogestiona Ambiental represented the LIFE ScrubsNet project at the 4th Iberian Dehesa/Montado Congress, …
Last 17th and 18th of May, LIFE Scrubsnet project partners held their first project monitoring meeting in the city of Mérida (Extremadura, Spain). Jesús Moreno, …
As part of the preparatory actions of the LIFE Scrubsnet project, project partners have visited during the last weeks the different pilot farms included in …
Last 11 February, the launch meeting of the LIFE Scrubsnet project was held with the participation of all partner organisations. Innogestiona Ambiental, as project coordinator, …